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080-1001-4675 繋がりにくい場合 080-1001-4687 11:00~21:00(日曜、国民の祝日、年末年始を除く)

Industrial physician and psychiatrist× lawyer× labor and social security attorney explain based on case studies Measures and actions that management and human resources should take against people with mental disorders

Industrial physician and psychiatrist× lawyer× labor and social security attorney explain based on case studies Measures and actions that management and human resources should take against people with mental disorders

* * * This seminar has ended. Thank you very much for your participation! ※※※

Latest Seminar Information

"Basic "Ki" of Labor and Human Resources ~Rules of Labor Management and Employment That You Need to Know~

Tuesday, April 30, 2024 18:30~20:30

毎度大好評 の「労務・人事の『基本の“き”』」セミナーを本年度も開催します。直近で 新たに労務・人事担当になった方 や、 1人目社員の採用を考えている経営者の方 、改めて 基本をおさらいしたい労務・人事担当の方、また働く方も、基本を学べる機会 です。採用・時間管理・給与計算・各種手続・就業規則の策定 等、多岐にわたる 労務・人事領域の仕事において知っておきたいポイント 、 労働紛争を未然に防ぐための労働関係法令や判例のポイント を、それぞれ社労士・弁護士より解説します。今回は 北九州市のコワーキングスペース、COMPASS小倉とオンラインでのハイブリッド開催 です。会場参加の方は 当日講師の弁護士社労士にその場でご質問いただくことも可能 です。セミナー参加者には、 当日の解説資料をプレゼント します!

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Seminar outline

For companies, delays in taking measures against employees' mental disorders can lead to large losses and deterioration in business performance, so it is necessary to respond correctly and quickly. In order to respond to employees' mental disorders, it is also essential to cooperate with specialists such as attending physicians and industrial physicians.

In this seminar, Dr. Kahiro Tsutsumita, an industrial physician and psychiatrist with experience in various companies from major companies to small and medium-sized enterprises and venture companies, FECC consultant Dr. Ikari,​ ​and labor and social security attorney Dr. Hayata will be invited to present experts from the perspective of an industrial physician on the subject of multiple specific cases of mental disorders of employees. From both labor and legal perspectives of lawyers and labor attorneys, we will explain how managers and personnel in charge should face and respond to employees' mental health.

In addition, the second 45 minutes will be limited to offline time, and we will delve into case studies including discussions with participants. We will also answer your worries and questions that can only be said because it is ad hoc.

Those who participate will receive explanatory materials by Professor Tsutsumi. By sharing it internally, please use it for mental health measures in your organization.

Outline of the First Seminar

Measures and actions that management and human resources should take against people with mental disorders

  • <Hybrid> Commentary on measures and actions that managers and personnel should take for mentally ill people with examples 

\ Participation in the seminar is free of charge. Apply now! /

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Part 2 Offline Only

In-depth discussion of case studies with participants

\ Participation in seminars is free of charge. Apply now! /

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Event outline

Date and time2022年10月25日(火) 18:30~20:30

堤 多可弘(VISION PARTNER メンタルクリニック四谷 副院長、株式会社ウェルプラ メディカルディレクター、産業医・精神科医)
主な著書「企業はメンタルヘルスとどう向き合うか 経営戦略としての産業医」


FECCConsultant Keita Ikari (Lawyer)

FECCConsultant Shinichi Hayata (Labor and Social Consultant)


Fukuoka Growth Next 1Fイベントスペース(福岡県福岡市中央区大名2-6-11)/オンラインセミナー(Zoomウェビナー)

Capacity<会場>30名 <オンライン>特になし 参加無料

18:10 オンラインルーム開場
18:15 会場受付開始
18:30 司会挨拶、登壇者紹介
18:35 セミナー
19:35 質疑応答
19:45 <会場参加者限定>ディスカッションを交えながら事例の深堀り
20:30 終了
※ タイムスケジュールは変更になる場合があります。



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