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080-1001-4675 繋がりにくい場合 080-1001-4687 11:00~21:00(日曜、国民の祝日、年末年始を除く)



~Explanation of labor and legal knowledge necessary for trouble-free recruitment~

* * * This seminar has ended. Thank you very much for your participation! ※※※

Latest Seminar Information

労務・人事の「基本の“き”」 ~これだけは知っておきたい労務管理・雇用のルール~

2024年4月30日(火) 18:30~20:30

毎度大好評 の「労務・人事の『基本の“き”』」セミナーを本年度も開催します。直近で 新たに労務・人事担当になった方 や、 1人目社員の採用を考えている経営者の方 、改めて 基本をおさらいしたい労務・人事担当の方、また働く方も、基本を学べる機会 です。採用・時間管理・給与計算・各種手続・就業規則の策定 等、多岐にわたる 労務・人事領域の仕事において知っておきたいポイント 、 労働紛争を未然に防ぐための労働関係法令や判例のポイント を、それぞれ社労士・弁護士より解説します。今回は 北九州市のコワーキングスペース、COMPASS小倉とオンラインでのハイブリッド開催 です。会場参加の方は 当日講師の弁護士社労士にその場でご質問いただくことも可能 です。セミナー参加者には、 当日の解説資料をプレゼント します!

Click here for seminar details

At first

採用難易度が高まる今日、 SNSを活用した採用活動が注目 されています。 若手人材を中心 に、採用活動の 情報収集をSNSで実施する層 が増えてきています。しかし、企業の採用活動にSNSを活用する際には、 具体的にどのSNSを使うことが有効なのか  どんな内容を発信したらいいのか  社内での運用はどうしたらいいのか 等企業側も迷うポイントが多く存在します。

Seminar outline

In this seminar, Community SNS Marketing Support and Even in your own recruitment activities SNS to lead to results corporation NAVICUS To Mr. Takeuchi and Mr. Egashira, Companies should focus on SNS Key points of operation and  SNS Introducing examples of recruitment activities using Thank you for this meal.
Also Perspectives to keep in mind when recruiting and In the enterprise SNS Points to note when using etc Labor and legal knowledge necessary for trouble-free recruitment Also, Commentary by lawyers and labor and social security attorneys with extensive experience in supporting venture and startup companies I will.
Seminar participants were encouraged to use it from tomorrow! SNS× Presentation of "Recruitment Utilization Materials" I will.

Contents of the first part of the seminar

 You can use it from tomorrow!How to use SNS × recruitment 

  • Actual situation of job hunting and job change activities
  • Points of SNS operation that companies should pay attention to
  • About note and Twitter 
  • Case study at NAVICUS 
  • Finally

Part 2 Seminar Contents

 Labor and legal knowledge necessary for trouble-free recruitment 

Based on the contents of the first part, lawyers and labor and social security attorneys with extensive experience in supporting venture and startup companies will explain the labor and legal knowledge necessary for trouble-free recruitment, such as points to keep in mind when recruiting and points to keep in mind when using SNS in companies.

  • What it means to hire people
  • Recruitment flow
  • Rules for recruiting
  • Points of in-house SNS operation management
  • Points for determining recruitment conditions
  • Recruitment conditions and recruitment rules
  • Rules for recruitment selection
  • Rules for hiring offers
  • Rules when joining the company
  • Trial period rules

\ Participation in the seminar is free of charge. Apply now! /

Apply for this seminar

The speaker will answer and explain the "questions" entered at the time of application, so please send us your questions.

Event outline

Date and time2023年5月30日(火) 18:30~20:30

武内 一矢(株式会社NAVICUS 代表取締役社長)



江頭 菜保子(株式会社NAVICUS スピリトーゾ(地域支援&新規開拓))



FECC相談員 橋本 道成(弁護士)

東京大学法学部、九州大学大学院法務学府卒業。弁護士法人北浜法律事務所に入所後、みずほ証券公開引受部及び三井物産法務部にそれぞれ出向。 2017年に如水法律事務所(現 弁護士法人如水法律事務所)を開設、現在に至る。福岡県を中心とした九州各県や東京のベンチャー企業や中小企業の法務に関する相談、株式上場、事業再編(M&A)、株主総会などを支援。


FECC相談員 野村 香(社労士)

Representative of Nomura Social Labor Attorney Office of Yosui Consulting. He was in charge of 1,000 employees in the general affairs department of a medical food company, and based on his experience in procedures for entering and resignation and calculating payroll, he gained various practical experience at a labor and social security attorney office, and obtained his qualification in 2010. We provide a wide range of consultations, from recruitment support to consultation on retirement, such as creating a comfortable working environment. Mainly engaged in labor consultation, employment regulations, recruitment support, nursing care business, and specialized and various procedure agency business.


Webinars (Zoom webinars)

CapacityNo capacity/Free of charge

18:15 Online room opens
18:30 Moderator's remarks, introduction of speakers
18:35 Part 1 Seminar (including Q&A)
19:30 Part 2 Seminar (including Q&A)
20:30 End
* The time schedule is subject to change.


Please apply using the form from the "Apply for this seminar" button below.
This time, it will be held online. The webinar will be held via Zoom.
In an environment where you can connect to the Internet such as Wi-Fi, you can watch from a PC, smartphone, tablet, etc.

If you have registered, you will receive an automatic reply email with [VIEWING URL] and [Passcode], so please check.

*Please note that the personal information provided will be used for guidance of this center's seminars, such as management of seminar participants and communication regarding seminars, and will not be used for any purpose other than the intended purpose. Also on our homepage privacy policy Is posted, so please refer to it)

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