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080-1001-4675 繋がりにくい場合 080-1001-4687 11:00~21:00(日曜、国民の祝日、年末年始を除く)

Understand what measures companies should take! Human Capital Management and Information Disclosure

Understand what measures companies should take! Human Capital Management and Information Disclosure

* * * This seminar has ended. Thank you very much for your participation! ※※※

Latest Seminar Information

労務・人事の「基本の“き”」 ~これだけは知っておきたい労務管理・雇用のルール~

2024年4月30日(火) 18:30~20:30

毎度大好評 の「労務・人事の『基本の“き”』」セミナーを本年度も開催します。直近で 新たに労務・人事担当になった方 や、 1人目社員の採用を考えている経営者の方 、改めて 基本をおさらいしたい労務・人事担当の方、また働く方も、基本を学べる機会 です。採用・時間管理・給与計算・各種手続・就業規則の策定 等、多岐にわたる 労務・人事領域の仕事において知っておきたいポイント 、 労働紛争を未然に防ぐための労働関係法令や判例のポイント を、それぞれ社労士・弁護士より解説します。今回は 北九州市のコワーキングスペース、COMPASS小倉とオンラインでのハイブリッド開催 です。会場参加の方は 当日講師の弁護士社労士にその場でご質問いただくことも可能 です。セミナー参加者には、 当日の解説資料をプレゼント します!

Click here for seminar details

At first
昨今 よく耳にする 「人的資本経営」 について、 人材と組織を活性化 する取り組みが 人事部門はもちろん、経営全体の最重要事項 になりつつあります。そのように重要性が認知され、 ステークホルダーからのニーズの高まり によって情報開示の動きが一部の企業で広がる一方で、具体的に どのように「人的資本経営」に取り組めばよいか分からない 経営者の方、人事や経営企画担当の方々が多いのではないでしょうか。

Seminar outline

Therefore, in this seminar, we will discuss what the purpose of "human capital management" is in the first place, and why it is attracting worldwide attention now.
"Dynamic human resource portfolio" is one of the elements of human resource strategy to increase human capital. In implementing this strategy, which is closely related to job-based employment and reassignment, we will also explain "dismissal regulations" and "reassignment," which are important points of discussion, using the "Employment Guidelines" that analyze and categorize court precedents.
We hope this will be an opportunity to think about the direction of measures that companies should take.
Those who participate will receive a gift of commentary materials for the day.

Seminar outline

Understand what measures companies should take! Lawyers and labor and social security attorneys explain human capital management and information disclosure

  • Human Capital and Disclosure

  • Labor and Social Trends Related to Human Capital

  • Employment Guidelines Useful for Learning Labor Knowledge (Job-based Employment, Dismissal Regulations, Reassignment) to Improve the Quality of Human Capital Management

\ Participation in the seminar is free of charge. Apply now! /

Apply for this seminar

The speaker will answer and explain the "questions" entered at the time of application, so please send us your questions.

Event outline

Date and time2022年12月20日(火) 18:30~20:30

FECC相談員 橋本 道成 (弁護士)

FECCConsultant Shinichi Hayata (Labor and Social Consultant)


Online Seminar ( Zoom Webinar)

Capacity特になし 参加無料

18:10 オンラインルーム開場
18:30 司会挨拶、登壇者紹介
18:35 セミナー
20:20 質疑応答
20:30 終了
※ タイムスケジュールは変更になる場合があります。


Please apply using the form from the "Apply for this seminar" button below.
This time, it will be held online. The webinar will be held via Zoom.
In an environment where you can connect to the Internet such as Wi-Fi, you can watch from a PC, smartphone, tablet, etc.

If you have registered, you will receive an automatic reply email with [VIEWING URL] and [Passcode], so please check.

*Please note that the personal information provided will be used for guidance of this center's seminars, such as management of seminar participants and communication regarding seminars, and will not be used for any purpose other than the intended purpose. Also on our homepage privacy policy Is posted, so please refer to it)

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