Consult and make a reservation

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080-1001-4675 繋がりにくい場合 080-1001-4687 11:00~21:00(日曜、国民の祝日、年末年始を除く)

Future operations associated with the declaration of a state of emergency

News from FECC

To all users of the Fukuoka City Employment and Labor Counseling Center (“FECC”)


Thank you for using FECC.


The timing of the resumption of face-to-face consultations will be announced on the website and Facebook, etc., depending on the situation.

During the above period, FECC staff will also refrain from working in the startup café, so please contact us by phone, LINE, e-mail, Facebook Messenger, etc. for inquiries and consultation reservations.

Email online consultation reservation:
LINE Consultation:

If you have any other questions, please contact us by phone or email at the contact information below.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your understanding.


080-1001-4675 / 080-1001-4687