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080-1001-4675 繋がりにくい場合 080-1001-4687 11:00~21:00(日曜、国民の祝日、年末年始を除く)

【見逃し配信】産業医 兼 精神科医×弁護士×社労士が事例に基づき解説 メンタル不調者に対して経営者・人事が取るべき対策と行動

Industrial physician and psychiatrist× lawyer× labor and social security attorney explain based on case studies Measures and actions that management and human resources should take against people with mental disorders

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Seminar outline

For companies, delays in taking measures against employees' mental disorders can lead to large losses and deterioration in business performance, so it is necessary to respond correctly and quickly. In order to respond to employees' mental disorders, it is also essential to cooperate with specialists such as attending physicians and industrial physicians.

In this seminar, Dr. Kahiro Tsutsumita, an industrial physician and psychiatrist with experience in various companies from major companies to small and medium-sized enterprises and venture companies, FECC consultant Dr. Ikari,​ ​and labor and social security attorney Dr. Hayata will be invited to present experts from the perspective of an industrial physician on the subject of multiple specific cases of mental disorders of employees. From both labor and legal perspectives of lawyers and labor attorneys, we will explain how managers and personnel in charge should face and respond to employees' mental health.

In addition, the second 45 minutes will be limited to offline time, and we will delve into case studies including discussions with participants. We will also answer your worries and questions that can only be said because it is ad hoc.

Those who participate will receive explanatory materials by Professor Tsutsumi. By sharing it internally, please use it for mental health measures in your organization.

Outline of the First Seminar

Measures and actions that management and human resources should take against people with mental disorders

  • <Hybrid> Commentary on measures and actions that managers and personnel should take for mentally ill people with examples 

Part 2 Offline Only

In-depth discussion of case studies with participants

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