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080-1001-4675 繋がりにくい場合 080-1001-4687 11:00~21:00(日曜、国民の祝日、年末年始を除く)



~The secret to successful reinstatement of those who are not feeling well~

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Seminar outline

At first

 カウンセリングやコーチング、エンゲージメントサーベイ など、 メンタルヘルスに関わる施策を導入 することが、大企業だけでなく スタートアップ・ベンチャー企業においても広まって きています。しかし、 導入の順番を間違える と様々な施策の 効果がないどころか、逆効果 にもなってしまいます。
 無数にある施策の中で成長企業が必ず最初に取るべきメンタル施策 があります。それは 「不調者の休職から復職のルートづくり」 です。そこから 課題を洗い出し  アドバンスドな施策につなげていくことが大事 です。

This time,  "support for returning to work"we will focus on and explain the necessity of measures and legal perspectives, as well as the points of establishing rules and specific measures that can be taken without incurring costs, from the perspectives of industrial physicians and psychiatrists × lawyers × and labor and social security attorneys. Even if there are no people in trouble yet, a growing company that continues to face hard things must have a wand to avoid falling. Let's know the specific measures and put them into practice from tomorrow.
Those who participate will receive a gift of commentary materials for the day.

Seminar content

 Mental Health Strategies for Growing Companies ~The Secret to Success in Returning to Work for Sick Employees~ 

  • Points for establishing rules for dealing with people with mental disorders by labor and social security attorneys
  • Legal Perspective from a Lawyer's Perspective
  • Low-cost, high-performance support for returning to work by industrial physicians

~Recommended for people like this~

・I want to know specific measures to support returning to work.
・ There are actually people who are not feeling well and it is difficult to deal with them.
・ I want to know what to do when someone is unwell in the future
・ The number of members is increasing and we are considering introducing measures related to mental health.

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