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Key points of recruitment activities in positions where recruiters have no work experience

Soichiro Kawai

Representative Director, ReBoost Co., Ltd.

Soichiro Kawai

Thank you all for always seeing us.
I'm Kawai, Representative Director of ReBoost Co., Ltd.

As the title says this time, I would like to talk about the "points of recruitment activities for occupations with no work experience", mainly those in charge of recruitment. How do you respond to a job you've never experienced before and your first time? I would like to talk to you, including.
Of course, I hope that it will be helpful to management and those in the field who are also in a position to consider recruiting positions.

There are countless tasks in the world.

As a major premise, there are really many "tasks" in the world. As long as the company exists and conducts business activities, there are various operations = jobs there.




Basically, recruitment activities start from "formulating an organizational chart that assumes a little future according to the business model", "necessary personnel planning and budget formulation", "necessary work contents and results definition", and "human resource requirements definition" that can realize them, from which the job title and recruitment method are selected, and how do you convey it to the attractiveness and candidates of the company? It is wide-ranging, such as how to identify and interview in interviews and interviews.

So how should you handle a job in that process that you've never had in a title?

The importance of collecting information three-dimensionally

With the exception of executives and special positions such as CxO, we recommend that you understand the job category in approximately the following methods.
By understanding the job type as realistically as possible, recruiters will be able to select methods in the recruitment process, create attractiveness, and provide hints for interview design.

Key points of understanding occupations
  • What job titles and job descriptions do competitors have?
  • Research the above while looking at various job sites
  • Talk to a recruitment firm or recruitment media representative to know what other companies are doing
  • Check multiple rejumes from direct recruiting tool
  • Try to get more specific information from employees in the company

Roughly, by going through the process described above, I think that you can get a more image of your company's business contents.



As I mentioned last time, there will be a lot of expectations for the first person in charge of recruitment at a startup that has just been founded.


Today's Point
  • 職種を理解するには、立体的に情報を集めることが大切
  • 経営側や現場からの要望をそのまま伝えるだけではなく、仮設を立て、正しく要件定義をし、あるべきポジションを言語化することが求められる

Consultation on employment and labor questions to FECC

FECC helps people who are considering starting a business or who are considering starting a business, as well as human resources and managers, to solve labor and legal questions. It is possible to consult lawyers and company workers free of charge about "notification of working conditions at the time of recruitment, how to create employment contracts", "legal points to keep in mind in recruitment promotion", etc. Please feel free to contact us!

Click here for consultation

The person who wrote this article

Soichiro Kawai

Representative Director, ReBoost Co., Ltd.

Soichiro Kawai

After graduating from Hosei University, he worked for the Recruit Group, a printing machine manufacturer on the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange, and experienced the launch period of BizReach Co., Ltd. After joining, he joined Laxle Co., Ltd. as a founding member.
As a human resources manager, he was engaged in the creation of various companies with a focus on recruitment.
At the same time, he founded several startups and served as external advisors to several companies, including investments.
Founded ReBoost Co., Ltd. in 2017. Appointed representative director.
"Support the challenges of changers and create a better society. With the mission of "Business Startups, Listed Companies, and Local Ventures," we will provide hands-on support such as the formulation and execution of personnel organizations and recruitment strategies for realizing business strategies, and the formulation of values.
In addition, we provide support for next-generation entrepreneurs through angel investments in approximately 25 companies, and support in the organizational human resources field of investees startups through business alliances with Seed VC.
In 2019, he gave a keynote speech at the Good Career Company Awards 2019 sponsored by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare.
In April 2020, he became a visiting faculty member of iU University.
ReBoost Co., Ltd. Homepage

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