

080-1001-4675 繋がりにくい場合 080-1001-4687 11:00~21:00(日曜、国民の祝日、年末年始を除く)

【Seminar】 September 27, 2018 (Thursday) 17: 00 ~ "Successful recruitment / applied edition"

※※※ 本セミナーは開催終了しました。多数のご参加ありがとうございました! ※※※


労務・人事の「基本の“き”」 ~これだけは知っておきたい労務管理・雇用のルール~

2024年4月30日(火) 18:30~20:30

毎度大好評 の「労務・人事の『基本の“き”』」セミナーを本年度も開催します。直近で 新たに労務・人事担当になった方 や、 1人目社員の採用を考えている経営者の方 、改めて 基本をおさらいしたい労務・人事担当の方、また働く方も、基本を学べる機会 です。採用・時間管理・給与計算・各種手続・就業規則の策定 等、多岐にわたる 労務・人事領域の仕事において知っておきたいポイント 、 労働紛争を未然に防ぐための労働関係法令や判例のポイント を、それぞれ社労士・弁護士より解説します。今回は 北九州市のコワーキングスペース、COMPASS小倉とオンラインでのハイブリッド開催 です。会場参加の方は 当日講師の弁護士社労士にその場でご質問いただくことも可能 です。セミナー参加者には、 当日の解説資料をプレゼント します!


【Successful Recruiting Activity "Applications" Seminar】
~ Points of recruitment strategy that should be kept secret ~

■ «Part 1: 5 leverage to win the adoption competition even if the resource shortage»
For ventures with limited resources that can be hired for recruitment of people, funds, time,
How do you win talented people? Responding to the problem of resource shortage, leverage of problem solving,
A concrete scheme that is actually used for successful recruitment venture is summarized into five, and they are summarized in a worksheet that can be utilized respectively.
Utilizing the scheme that becomes leveraging, we will share the biggest effect with minimum power, concrete measures for successful adoption.

① Failure to adopt referral and successful referral There are three differences, five points to absolutely restrain from design to operation
② Recruitment for not wasting resources Media tactical design 3 points
③ Hiring recruitment is busy anyway! Five drivers to resolve shortage of resources
④ Why is that venture strong for recruitment? Interview method and closing method to overcome adoption competition
⑤ Do not cut off! Five follow-up measures to be put in place to dispel the declining factions.

※ Instructor introduction ※ Deloitte Tohmatsu Venture Support Co., Ltd. Ichihama Amoru
Kwansei Gakuin Univ. Human resources related venture during school After joining the company, Joined Recruit Co., Ltd. (currently Recruit Holdings).
Promotion / advertisement / product planning for medium to small / venture enterprises, new business development in the company, new business media Launch of regional bases, new business After marketing organization manager experience,
I got a mid-career project leader in the Human Resources department. Towards the initial listing 38 companies nationwide, 8 projects including new businesses crossed, planning and operation of mid-career recruitment for a total of 600 people.
In charge of planning / operation for fixing / nurturing / organization growth after adoption. From December 18th in Deloitte Tohmatsu venture support he was in charge of HR (recruitment / organization development) domain.

■ «Part 2: latest troubles occurred in hiring activities and necessary legal knowledge»
I will explain the latest troubleshooting case studies occurring in the recruitment process of venture companies,
I will explain the legal knowledge that I should hold down and the priority order of the system that I should maintain.

· FECC counselor Shinichi Hayada (Nishimizu Social Insurance Labor Office)
· FECC Lawyer Mr. Hideo Kumaka (Shiomuta International Law Firm)
· Deloitte Tohmatsu Venture Support Co., Ltd. Ichihama Uni

16: 20 opening
17: 00 Chairperson's greeting, introducing the speaker
17: 05 Part 1 5 Leverage to win the adoption competition even if the resource shortage
Part 2 latest troubles occurred in hiring activities and necessary legal knowledge
19: 10 Q & A
19: 20 Individual consultation meeting

【Date and time】
September 27, 2018 (Wednesday) 17 o'clock -

Fukuoka Growth Next 1st event space
Fukuoka Growth Next First floor 2-6-11 Daimyo Osamu Ward, Fukuoka city

【Target / Capacity】
Anyone can join · 60 people

【Entry fee】


【Subject】 «Application» Successful Hiring Activities / Fundamentals
※【company name】
※ [Name of participant]
※【phone number】
※ 【Mail】
※ [individual consultation] participation / non-participation
The part of ※ is mandatory